

From November 6 to 8, 2020, the 17th Member Representative Conference of Concrete Admixture Branch of China Building Materials Federation and the exchange seminar on “Innovation and Sharing high-quality Development” of concrete admixture industry was held in Chengdu, Sichuan. Our company was invited to attend this meeting and gained a lot.

The company was awarded “2018-2019 Outstanding Enterprise in Green Development of the Industry”, “2020 Outstanding Enterprise in Scientific and Technological Innovation of the Industry” and other honors. The technical director of the company made an academic report at the meeting, and fully communicated with the participants about the product development and basic research of admixtures.

Over the past 20 years, the admixture industry has made remarkable achievements in a short period of time, which is the result of the joint efforts of the admixture counterparts. As the bridge and link between government and unit, concrete admixture branch has done a lot of work to promote the development of admixture industry. Our company adhering to the concept of innovation, actively participate in industry activities, take the initiative to assume industry responsibility and social responsibility, jointly promote the development of admixture industry.

Post time: Dec-29-2021